82 research outputs found

    Sustainable Value Co-Creation in Welfare Service Ecosystems : Transforming temporary collaboration projects into permanent resource integration

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    Purpose of the studyIn this paper, we discuss the unexploited possibilities of user-orientation to promote sustainable governance and management of value co-creation in innovation projects within welfare service ecosystem. The paper’s theoretical framework takes the outset in public service logic (PSL) and its user-oriented perspective. As such, we test the thesis that service-innovation seriously requires a user-oriented approach, and that such approach enables horizontal management. Being able to control and lead horizontally creates concrete opportunities to let the coordination processes control organizational structures, but only if we find common ground to do so. Thus, our purpose is to identify opportunities and challenges in collaborative governance and management during the limited time of service-innovation projects, but also how, if at all, collaborative organizations handle and enable projects sustainability after projects end as regards how to jointly govern, lead and drive them forward.MethodologyThe results stem from a two-year research study on service innovation projects governed by a collaborative platform which is also a legally-established financial collaborative association. These projects, seen as service ecosystems, involve value co-creation between service-users and organizations in healthcare, social services, municipal education department, social-insurance service and unemployment office. In order to involve perspectives from different stakeholders, we gathered an empirical material consisting of recorded interviews and meetings with project-managers, project participants, managers, and board members identifying and discussing new ways of value co-creations.FindingsAmongst our findings, we see that project-managers often experience challenges being the main bearer of the user-oriented perspective. Opportunities appear if viewing this collaborative association as one singular authority, as traditional organizational silos become blurred when a project is run within the association, thus enabling horizontal management. When project funding ends, and the innovation is supposed to transfer into the ordinary operations, the silos reappear. If this effort continues to require the coordination of several different parties, the questions appear clearly; who governs, continues to organize and make the innovation sustainable? Who should the project-manager hand over to? Is it reasonable for the innovation to continue down to a single organization when relating to common target groups? In our study, it becomes clear how the vertical governance and management is prioritized and takes precedence over the horizontal, and reduces possibilities of future joint decisions in the service ecosystem, as user-orientation seemingly disappears when the project funding ends.Research implications/value/limitationsFinding new ways to collaborate and coordinate our welfare services does not only affect this study, but all forms of organizational collaborations in the public sector, for example joint care planning and collaboration agreements. Studying such complex human services means that the knowledge can, in whole or in part, become valid in many other contexts within welfare. Being able to put the user-oriented approach before the organizational perspective enables different areas of specialization to contribute together towards the user's own value creation without competing and clashing between logics, values, cultures, operational goals, etc. However, our study has its limitations as it only involves Swedish welfare sector, and further research is needed

    Sustainable Value Co-Creation in Welfare Service Ecosystems : Transforming temporary collaboration projects into permanent resource integration

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    The aim of this paper is to discuss the unexploited forces of user-orientation and shared responsibility to promote sustainable value co-creation during service innovation projects in welfare service ecosystems. The framework is based on the theoretical field of public service logic (PSL) and our thesis is that service innovation seriously requires a user-oriented approach, and that such an approach enables resource integration based on the service-user’s needs and lifeworld. In our findings, we identify prerequisites and opportunities of collaborative service innovation projects in order to transform these projects into sustainable resource integration once they have ended

    Human Services and the Concept of Efficiency

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    Working from Home During the COVID-19 Pandemic: Implications for Workplace Relationships

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    This article aims to explore what working from home during the COVID-19 pandemic means forworkplace relationships. This study is based on semi-structured interviews with Swedish knowledgeworkers. Three approaches are identified as regards how employees maintain their workplacerelationships when working from home: (1) being selective as regards social interactions, (2) beingcompliant and resistant during digital meetings, and (3) having less spontaneity and creativitywhen in the digital space. Further, our findings also point to the prioritization of the individual’sinterests and needs over those of the collective. The study indicates the importance of understanding the dynamics of the workplace relationships when working remotely

    Working from Home During the COVID-19 Pandemic: Implications for Workplace Relationships

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    This article aims to explore what working from home during the COVID-19 pandemic means for workplace relationships. This study is based on semi-structured interviews with Swedish knowledge workers. Three approaches are identified as regards how employees maintain their workplace relationships when working from home: (1) being selective as regards social interactions, (2) being compliant and resistant during digital meetings, and (3) having less spontaneity and creativity when in the digital space. Further, our findings also point to the prioritization of the individual’s interests and needs over those of the collective. The study indicates the importance of understanding the dynamics of the workplace relationships when working remotely

    Utmaningar i välfärdens stuprör : Stöd till integrering för ungdomar med begränsad läs- och skrivkunnighet

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    Att lära sig svenska är ett av de viktigaste målen för asylsökande ungdomar med begränsade läs- och skrivkunskaper. En effektiv språkutveckling är en förutsättning för en god integration i det svenska samhället. För att kunna stödja dessa ungdomars arbete med att utveckla sina egna resurser, krävs bland annat att lärare, coacher, handläggare, socialsekreterare och andra professioner som arbetar nära ungdomarna, arbetar tillsammans utifrån ett resursperspektiv. Genom ett sådant gemensamt arbetssätt kan de underlätta för ungdomarna att erövra handlingskapacitet och förändra sina livsvillkor. Ett sådant arbetssätt ställer nya krav på samverkan mellan kommunala förvaltningar och olika professioner, liksom på samverkan mellan praktik och forskning.I projektet Integration Unga Analfabeter arbetar forskare tillsammans med praktiker inom skola, socialtjänst och arbetsmarknadsförvaltning i Helsingborgs stad, med att åstadkomma en sådan samverkan. I projektet tar vi fasta på kompletterande teoretiska perspektiv för att ställa ungdomarna och deras resurser i centrum. Vi prövar också metoder för att få professioner att samverka och bedriva utveckling på nya sätt

    Internal entrepreneurship in the public sector

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